Sanitation and Waste Disposal
We provide expert solutions for both on site sanitations and water borne sewerage and waste disposal. Our services include Dry sanitation, sewerage reticulation, pumping, and outfall sewerage. We also offer waste disposal and management services.
The company has unique experience in the delivery of sanitation and waste disposal projects. The projects have ranged from bulk and outfall sewerage systems with pipes up to 900 mm diameter and up to 12 m depth, through industrial and residential projects involving a variety of sizes and depths, to small systems draining to septic tanks and conservancy tanks.

It is well suited to the task of management and implementation of community-based sanitation projects as it has a long history with programmes involving community sanitation and has also been involved in sanitation-related research and studies in the past. In particular it has an input into the sanitation programmes, both at national and regional levels and has experience in neighbouring countries. One of its Directors was involved in the development of a sanitation programme in Lesotho, which was quoted by the World Bank in 1987 as the World’s singular success story in community sanitation. The Lesotho programme included latrine and toilet pit emptying developments. During the programme about 8 other African and Asian countries were visited with the aim of exchanging knowledge on latrine construction and management.